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What is rock fishing

2022-08-31 21:03:04   Release news:admin    Views 584

Rock fishing refers to fishing on rocks or reefs protruding from the water surface. Around the rocks, reefs, islands and islets that are rarely visited or rarely disturbed by human beings, the underwater terrain is often very complex, with peaks, cliffs and unpredictable depths; Around the rocky rocks, in the reefs, and in the Strait promontories, there are often abundant aquatic animals and plants, which become the only way for various migratory fish to bait and spawn in the sea. The fish source is extremely abundant throughout the year, so it has become a fishing paradise for rock fishing adventurers.


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Copyright:Weihai KYORIM FISHING Co. LTD 魯ICP備2021046765號(hào)-1 
TEL:+86-0631-5980392 137-0631-3017 FAX:+86-0631-5980791 
ADD:Qujiahe, Weihai City, Shandong ProvinceNo. 19, Dongsheng Road, Industrial Park 
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